Changelog ========= 2024-02-14 v0.9.7 ------------------ * Updata data_handling to comply with pandas 3.0 * Consider declination periodicity in residual calculation 2023-12-11 v0.9.6 ------------------ * Add a consistency check for out of range latitudes and longitudes * Rewrite periodicity handling for declinations 2023-09-29 v0.9.5 ------------------ * Fix truncation errors exploding due to 1 / cos 2023-09-20 v0.9.4 ------------------ * Add function to calculate residuals 2023-09-19 v0.9.3 ------------------ * legacy attribute for PaleoKalmag model class 2023-09-13 v0.9.2 ------------------ * Fix using slope * Fix stream input 2023-09-13 v0.9.1 ------------------ * Remove torch.set_default_dype from corefieldmodel 2023-09-12 v0.9.0 ------------------ * Further accelerate torch implementation * gradient and nez2dif functions are removed, as they are now included in the filter directly 2023-09-12 v0.8.0 ------------------ * This is a breaking change! * We move lots of stuff to torch for speed improvement and gradient availability. * rename "co-lat" to "colat" 2023-09-01 v0.7.0 ------------------ * Fix an error in the pytorch marginal likelihood implementation (detach) 2023-08-15 v0.6.0 ------------------ * Update pymagglobal dsh_basis call structure * Fix age errors in read_data 2023-08-15 v0.5.8 ------------------ * Move scaling to pymagglobal 2023-05-24 v0.5.7 ------------------ * Add raw temporal errors to data * Set minimal age uncertainty of 10 years 2023-03-08 v0.5.6 ------------------ * Update errors when sampling a smoothed model 2022-12-02 v0.5.5 ------------------ * Add optional progressbar to dlib_wrap * Minor performance gain by circumventing another diagonal matrix product 2022-11-30 v0.5.4 ------------------ * Realize that the secular variation diagonal is constant and drop calculation from NIGP 2022-11-30 v0.5.3 ------------------ * Slight performance gain by circumventing a diagonal matrix 2022-11-29 v0.5.2 ------------------ * Fix an error with logdet calculation 2022-11-23 v0.5.1 ------------------ * Extend _calc_filehash to accept streams 2022-11-21 v0.5.0 ------------------ * Update outlier rejection and read_data: We now calculate a filehash and save a unique record ID, in order to reliably relate outlier rejection lists to their original data file 2022-10-11 v0.4.7 ------------------ * Add sampling from prior 2022-10-11 v0.4.6 ------------------ * Add progressbar to outlier removal 2022-09-16 v0.4.5 ------------------ * Fix the docstring of CoreFieldModel.reject_outliers and add smoothed property 2022-04-20 v0.4.4 ------------------ * Add plotting function paleokalmag.MapLocPicker for local analysis of datasets and models 2022-04-19 v0.4.3 ------------------ * address numerical instability in torch marginal likelihood * consider declination mapping 2022-04-05 v0.4.2 ------------------ * bugfixes in marglog 2022-04-01 v0.4.1 ------------------ * fix matrix inversion in torch marglog 2022-04-01 v0.4.0 ------------------ * provide a torch-accelerated version of the marginal likelihood 2022-03-18 v0.3.1 ------------------ * Parallelize for-loop in dsh_basis 2022-02-09 v0.3.0 ------------------ * Update dlib_wrap. The default is now exhausting the function calls * Add a check for args kwarg in dlib_opt * Add unittests for the new behaviour 2022-02-09 v0.2.1 ------------------ * Consider periodicity of declination 2022-02-03 v0.2.0 ------------------ * Call nez2dif only once in correction step * Fix docstring for reject_outliers * Add __len__ to data and fix __repr__ * Add optional progress feedback for forward and backward step 2022-01-18 v0.1.3 ------------------ * Add a check for Fortran order and fix dsh_basis to only consider the spatial part 2022-01-17 v0.1.2 ------------------ * Change Matrix inversion to eigenvalue decomposition for stability issues * Minor performance gain by moving the calculation of likelihood terms 2022-01-10 v0.1.1 ------------------ * Windows installation fix 2022-01-07 v0.1.0 ------------------ * Change model name to PaleoKalmag * Enable random behavior in dlib and set as a default * Fix documentation typo 2021-12-08 v0.0.12 ------------------- * Minor bug fix 2021-11-19 v0.0.11 ------------------- * Add sampling to kalman 2021-11-11 v0.0.10 ------------------- * Update read_data and drop records with NaNs in location 2021-01-11 v0.0.9 ------------------ * Address issue #2 and move the spanning of the diagonal matrix out of the data routine. 2021-28-10 v0.0.8 ------------------ * Minor bug fixes 2021-20-10 v0.0.7 ------------------ * Move dt determination from Data to read_data * Document the input keys for Data 2021-26-08 v0.0.6 ------------------ * Monkey patch the warnings 2021-07-08 v0.0.5 ------------------ * add a test for dsh_basis with scaling * fix scaling behaviour of c++ version of dsh_basis 2021-07-06 v0.0.4 ------------------ * fix a bug in reading rejection lists * added a test for saving and loading * minor bug fixes * update example for outlier removal 2021-06-24 v0.0.3 ------------------ * pole safe version of c++ implementation of basis functions * polished the examples 2021-06-16 v0.0.2 ------------------ * changed the interface of :code:`CoreFieldModel` to work better with marglog results * marginal likelihood and optimization added * outlier rejection routine added * examples for marginal likelihood and rejection added * minor bug-fixes